Mobile Massage Therapy Carlisle

in Cumbria, Dumfries and Galloway, Northern England - the therapist goes to you!

Struggling with tensed muscles or muscle pain? Or seeking body shaping? You want smooth facial skin? Perhaps just natural refreshment, relaxing?

Top Benefits of Massage

- Relieve stress
- Relieve pain
- Reduce muscle tension
- Relieve tension headaches
- Sleep better
- Increase Immune Function
- Ease symptoms of depression
- Promote relaxation
- Lower blood pressure
- Increase range of motion
- Decrease migraine


60 minutes of Neck/Shoulder Massage - just £ 30!


Surprise yourself or your loved ones with a massage at home!

Mobile Massage - at home!


We offer first-class full body massage services, which we perform in your home or hotel, office or any place you care to specify.
We can provide massage treatments any time you want.

So you don't have to spend time, money and energy traveling. At home you can even take a warm bath before a massage.
I will go to your home / office with a portable massage bed and do the massage treatment in your home.

tel: +44 075 8 930 810

Backache - why does my back hurt?

Anxiety and stress relief with massage

3 x 60 minutes of Swedish full body massage season ticket

Even for you and for your family and friends in one! Valid for 2 month.
3 occasions for only £ 100

Why massage?

Anyone who has tried a type of massage knows what a wonderful feeling it is when you can relax at the end of a tiring day or on a day off.

Are you completely exhausted by your daily tasks and would like to relax?
Do you want to recharge after work?
If you lead a stressful life, do you hardly have time for yourself?
If you have constant sedentary or standing work and want to move through your muscles?
You have problems sleeping?
You just wish a massage, that you can return to everyday life relaxed?

Regular massage is no luxury, it’s part of a healthy lifestyle.
Surprise yourself or your loved ones with a massage at home!

This is the place, where time stops a bit, so you can forget about all your worries and stress, and you are the most important.


Our Massage Offers


Swedish Full Body Massage


45 minutes  -  £30

60 minutes  -  £40

90 minutes  -  £60

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Swedish Back Massage

30 minutes  -  £30

45 minutes  -  £30

60 minutes  -  £40

90 minutes  -  £60

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Neck / Shoulder (Chair) Massage

30 minutes  -  £20

45 minutes  -  £30

60 minutes  -  £30

90 minutes  -  £60

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45 minutes  -  £30

60 minutes  -  £40

90 minutes  -  £60

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Face Massage


30 minutes  -  £30

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Cellulite Massage


45 minutes  -  £40

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Family package 1.

2 Person Swedish Full Body Massage

120 minutes  -  £70

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Family Package 2.

1 Person: Swedish Full Body Massage - 60 min, + 1 Person: Neck/Shoulder Massage - 45 min


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Family Package 3.

2 Person: Neck-Shoulder Massage - 120 min (60+60 min)

120 minutes  -  £70

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Massage Season Ticket

3 occasions of Swedish full body massage - 60+60+60 min - for family and friends as well!
valid for 2 months

180 minutes  -  £100

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About - Mobile massage

I'm a male masseur/ massage therapist.
I love my job and genuinely care for the people, so I bring great skill and empathy to my clients. I view my job as a profession and I’m always happy to say that I do something I really love to do. I have a cheerful nature.

Our massage services - at your home

We offer first-class full body massage services, which we perform in your home or hotel, office or any place you care to specify.
We can provide massage treatments any time you want.

So you don't have to spend time, money and energy traveling. At home you can even take a warm bath before a massage.
I will go to your home / office with a portable massage bed and do the massage treatment in your home.

Mobile massage, relaxation massage, full body massage - in Carlisle (Cumbria County), in Cumbria, in Dumfries and Galloway, Northern England

We offer first-class full body massage services, which we perform in your home or hotel, office or any place you care to specify.

We can provide massage treatments any time you want.

We place great emphasis on the problems of people who work hard in today’s fast-paced world.
Whether prevention is the goal or the resolution of a pre-existing physical or mental pain, we always ensure that the massage is
relaxing and comfortable for our clients.

Mobile massage is no longer a luxury in today's world. It is most pleasant to heal and recharge in the warmth of your own home.

In Canada, nearly 60% of massages are performed by mobile masseurs.

Swedish massage

Unlike some oriental massages, it relies on direct physiological effects, but the feeling of personal care is also good for mental health.
Swedish massage is a more powerful massage that moves muscles especially well.
The Swedish massage is a very popular massage type in our country, but also across Europe.
It can be used extremely effectively for the purpose of regeneration of muscles, to make them completely relaxed by dissolving all the stiffness, e
specially the spasmodic points and nodules of the muscle, so the muscle strength increases.
Swedish massage reduces pain, speeds up recovery from injuries, prevents unused muscle atrophy, relieves insomnia, increases alertness, but above all promotes relaxation and reduces the effects of stress.

The origin

At the end of the 19th century, a swedish fencing master, Henrik Ling laid the foundations of modern gymnastics as well as developed and defined the grip system of swedish massage, hence the name.
He described the technique of massage, its effects and indications.

The effect of swedish massage

The Swedish massage warms the body up swiftly and cfreates a local abundance of blood which relaxes connective tissue and muscles, making changes even easier to generate.
The blood circulation of the muscles and connective tissue is revitalized, the body and the muscular system receives oxygen-rich blood more easily. Oxygen always helps relaxing and dissolving stiffness.
Swedish massage dissolves adhesions in the muscles. It is also felt in everyday life, when the dorsal muscle is about strangling the spine, it sticks strongly, keeps it in spasm.
When our muscles have contracted and won’t let go of this painful cramp, help is needed.

Who do we recommend Swedish massage to?

- It’s best to start going to a masseur regularly before you develop any serious health problems.   Prevention is very important!

- People who have a lot of stiffness in their body, because just one movement is enough and the body twitches

- For caterers, office workers, all good working people, moms, dads, kids, athletes, masseurs and… Everyone who lives and moves!

- I recommend it to sedentary workers who have a lot of fibromyalgia lumps, especially around their shoulder blades.

- For people who work in monotonous jobs as a great way to overcome the issues of the daily grind

For mothers who finally decide to take a short break in addition to the non-stop duties of parenthood.. For students who want to perform even better, especially before an exam. For those who are healthy but want to stay healthy.
For everyone who wants higher level of stress tolerance, to restore physical, mental and spiritual balance, to release more energy.
I could list at length how regular massage contributes to the balanced, harmonious and peaceful functioning of our lives.
Even one treatment can work wonders!

Facial massage

In its movements, it is completely different from traditional cosmetic massage. During the treatment we alternate between soft, light movements and stronger grips. Thanks to this double effect, the facial skin becomes tight by the end of the treatment and the pale, tired skin becomes full of life. The facial skin regains its elasticity. The accumulated toxins evacuate, making the facial skin clean and relaxed.
With regular application, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes youthful and supple and the face becomes harmonious and full of life.
As a result of the treatment, we dissolve the adhesions on the face, which promotes the functioning of the blood circulation, thus having a repercussion on the whole body, directing it in a positive direction and helping to improve the health of the whole body.

For many centuries, the connections between the face and the body as a whole, as well as our face and our spiritual world have been researched.

Everyones irrevocable desire is to be healthy and energetic, to live a long and pain-free life. Facial reflexology is a treatment method that can maintain an excellent quality of life in the long run.
Its advantage in addition to rapid pain relief is that it can be used anytime, anywhere, even on a crowded bus or in a school, workplace, theater…


The method of facial reflexology was born and proven in 1980 as a result of long experiments by a research group led by a vietnamese medical acupuncturist Professor Bui Quoc Chau.
After testing the method in a hospital setting, the technique was codified and made public.
The most striking results were obtained in patients with musculoskeletal disorders, since one of the easiest and most rapidly treatable disorders is nerve pain caused by spinal disorders.

Slimming ( Cellulite ) massage

The development of cellulite is an aesthetic problem that affects 95 percent of women today. Contrary to popular belief however, it occurs not only in cases of older and overweight women, it can be observed in many thin and very young ladies. Cellulite usually occurs around the thighs, hips, upper arms and abdomen.
Its characteristic symptom is a bulging, bumpy layer under the skin, which is a serious aesthetic problem. Especially at the beginning of the beach season, cellulite comes into focus, when many of us start to fight it and try all the miracle cures to get rid of it.
Cellulite massage is suitable for working on fat pads in problem areas. The masseur almost crushes the fat cells with powerful movements, so the fat and waste products leave the cells in the direction of the lymph nodes.
The use of special preparations for massage enhances the effect by increasing metabolism and blood circulation.
Most people choose this treatment when they already have a lot of cellulite in several areas (critical areas, thighs, hips, abdomen, waist). Therefore, it is most effective to attend the treatment at least 10-12 times, with one or two treatments on a weekly basis.
This takes on average 2 months, in order for the result to be visible and palpable, and the weight loss can be measured in centimeters.

How does it happen?

During the cellulite massage we use a special massage technique. This massage is more powerful than Swedish massage as it aims to break down fat cells.

Beneficial effects of cellulite massage

Cellulite massage relaxes adipose tissue, making it easier for the body to break it down. As a result, the capillaries are activated, the temperature of the skin rises, substances are produced that have a vasodilating effect, thus stimulating blood circulation.
This leads to better nourishment of the tissues and also speeds up the metabolism of the cell. The effect is enhanced by cellulite massage cream. Skin regains its firmness and elasticity.

Why the body stores fat?

During metabolism, we produce the amount of energy we need at rest. Muscle metabolism is most active, which means that with more muscle mass we use more energy at rest than more accumulated fat.
We need a certain amount of fat in order to protect and support our internal organs and to balance our body heat. The female body stores more fat because fat stores provide important fetal protection during pregnancy. This is also the reason why these fat pads are most prevalent around the abdomen and hips.

Fats, carbohydrates, proteins

Carbohydrates are essential for the body: for example, during exercise, fats and carbohydrates are both converted into energy, therefore effective fat burning cannot be achieved without the presence of carbohydrates.
It is important to mention that certain vitamins (A, D, E, K) are only soluble in fat, and their absorption and storage cannot take place in the absence of fat.
The storage and chemistry of some female sex hormones also take place in the presence of fats. If we want to eat healthily, we should place greater emphasis on the consumption of unsaturated fats - those of vegetable origin. You can also eat fish - especially seafish as they are an excellent source of protein:
Poultry and fish, eggs and dairy products, barley and rice, pulses (peas, beans). It's good to know that our bodies store excess protein and carbohydrates as fat, so make sure you eat them in moderation.


Collagen is one of the most important proteins in our body, which is essential for maintaining the elasticity of the skin, tendons and joints, among other things. The human body is a complex network of organs, tissues and cells.
But how does it all work? Still, what holds them together?
Collagen comes from the Greek term “cola” and means glue. From this we can simply deduce its essential role: it is the protein that “holds together” our bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, blood vessel walls, veins, and is also an important building stone for teeth, skin, hair and nails.
During ageing there is no way to stop or reverse the slowdown in collagen production.
With a healthy lifestyle, we can do a lot to ensure that we have enough collagen in our body.
Effect of collagen:
More scientific research is similarly concluded that the collagen is most able to fight skin aging, improves elasticity and ensures hydration.